Jason Row tagged me with the now infamous "5 things you didn’t know about me" thing.
Since I've just started blogging, nobody knows anything anything about me yet. So this is much easier for me.
1) I'm a SQL Server guy. I'm both DBA and database developer in a small office. I also have to build reports (I use Reporting Services) and applications (VB.NET). I expect most of my blogging to be related to this.
2) Since I live in the world of SQL Server, I never spent any time learning web development. This is illustrated nicely by my awful looking site at
http://www.ifilter.org. Furthur evidence can be found in my choice of Blogger as my soapbox. Surely I should have looked at WordPress or something. I hope to improve in this area.
3) I learned to program on one of
these. I was 10 years old when I started with a
20 GOTO 10
That is, if my memory serves me, which it often doesn't.
4) A new baby is due in our house any day now. That means the blogging, which started out very slowly, will continue to be slow.
5) I never thought of myself as a Microsoft fan, but I got tired of choosing technologies that nobody was using a couple years later. I think all the Apple switchers might find themselves in that boat. Again.